What Should You Do If the Insurance Company Offers a Settlement Before You Know the Full Extent of Your Injuries?
If you’ve been injured in an accident, you have the right to expect that the insurance company covering the liable party will offer you a settlement that fully covers your losses and damages. When that doesn’t happen, it’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer in Katy, Texas quickly so you can move to next steps.
What Should You Do If the Insurance Company Offers a Settlement Before You Know the Full Extent of Your Injuries?
Insurance companies know that people who are facing medical bills and aren’t able to work because of injuries are usually feeling a bit desperate for money. They are definitely not above taking advantage of this feeling of desperation to try to offer you something that may not cover all your losses. Here’s what to do:
Stay Calm
Don’t panic. You do have options, and a lawyer can help you to figure them out. Yes you are facing medical bills, but your lawyer can help you to access coverage by your own insurance company or work out a situation where the hospital will put a lien on your settlement. This simply means the hospital will defer payment until you come to a settlement, and then you’ll pay them out of that settlement first thing.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Katy, Texas
If you haven’t already, contact a lawyer immediately. A lawyer can do two important things here in particular. The first is to give you sound and accurate advice about whether you should take this settlement or not. The second is to help you properly calculate the full cost of your damages. If you’re facing a long-term recovery, a lawyer can work with medical experts to help you get a better sense of what you should be asking for. Check out this site to learn more.
Don’t feel pressured into taking an early settlement. Stay calm and talk to a lawyer.